Hello :o)
Well the quiz was a scream - out of the 55 teams that took part i think we finished somwhere in the middle, so it wasn't to disgraceful. Isn't it strange how things workout, i honestly thought i would have been good with the music section - i was complete rubbish !! When it came to politics i was fantastic ????? how did that happen ???? (giggles) it was a fun night and lots of money raised for local charities, which was good. Oh, (giggling now at the thought) i won a prize in the raffle, i'll take a photo and show you what it was next time i post ... hmmmm ! ;o)
Tonight i have been out with my friend Amanda, we enjoyed a very nice Chinese meal - £13.50 for as much as you can eat, to start with we had spring rolls, honeyed barbeque spare ribs, seaweed, chicken bang bang then for main course we had chicken and cashews, chicken curry, chicken schwzenuan, and chicken in black bean sauce with vegetables, egg fried rice and soft noodles then to finish we had banana fritters and ice cream - i'm stuffed !!! don't think i can eat for a week now !
Speaky soon
Big Luv, Jaynee X
Wednesday, 26 November 2008
Wednesday, 12 November 2008
Chit Chat
Hello :o)
Look at the time (oh you can't your'e in bed!) its half past midnight !!! I rang my friend Sandy (who lives in Kent) at 9 o'clock and i came off the phone at 10 past midnight........ we had so much catching up to do.... chit chat, chit chat, chit chat .....laugh, laugh, giggle, giggle :o) it makes you feel good laughing ........ of course now i am wiiiiiiiiiiiiiide awake and not in the least bit interested in going to bed .... tee hee :o) Of course it will be a different story in the morning when the alarm goes off at 6.30am - i have to be at work for 7.45am. I can see one or two of you working out the calculation of how much time i need to get ready...... hehee...... my mobility is so bad in the mornings that it takes me ages to do the simplest of tasks.
Tomorrow evening i am taking part in a Quiz knock out competition, you remember, i told you a few blogs ago ;o) wish me luck..... specialist subject ..... shopping ..... (giggles), okay so its not really its........ its........... erm............hmmm........ oh yes ..... shopping ....(giggles)......... its music and history really, with specialist knowledge on Cornish history. Wish us luck...
Speaky soon :o)
Look at the time (oh you can't your'e in bed!) its half past midnight !!! I rang my friend Sandy (who lives in Kent) at 9 o'clock and i came off the phone at 10 past midnight........ we had so much catching up to do.... chit chat, chit chat, chit chat .....laugh, laugh, giggle, giggle :o) it makes you feel good laughing ........ of course now i am wiiiiiiiiiiiiiide awake and not in the least bit interested in going to bed .... tee hee :o) Of course it will be a different story in the morning when the alarm goes off at 6.30am - i have to be at work for 7.45am. I can see one or two of you working out the calculation of how much time i need to get ready...... hehee...... my mobility is so bad in the mornings that it takes me ages to do the simplest of tasks.
Tomorrow evening i am taking part in a Quiz knock out competition, you remember, i told you a few blogs ago ;o) wish me luck..... specialist subject ..... shopping ..... (giggles), okay so its not really its........ its........... erm............hmmm........ oh yes ..... shopping ....(giggles)......... its music and history really, with specialist knowledge on Cornish history. Wish us luck...
Speaky soon :o)
Monday, 10 November 2008
Posh Pink
Hello :o)
It didn't quite work yesterday did it ? i thought i had posted this lovely pic (i am referring to the pinkness of the scarf ;o) but it jus vanished into the 'ether'...... hehee! So it is obvious i am in need of some instruction - and if possible can someone explain to me if i wanted to insert another pic jus here....... how do i do that without it going up to the top of this posting ?
I booked some holiday today ..... whopeeeeee ......... a thursday and a friday in early December, as i am off to Kent to see my other nephew at his 'passing out parade' he will be a fireman in the RAF - i am so looking forward to that. I shall be travelling with my brother and his wife and staying overnight in a posh hotel - fab......... i jus luv poshness !! My youngest brother and his wife will be coming along too - it will be nice for us all to get together. It means so much to me, especially as our parents are no longer alive - we are scattered all over the place and always have been since we siblings flew the nest, but now i feel we are coming together again, it makes me feel good and i know our parents would be so pleased.
Well this is just a short posting tonight, i need to wash up my dinner plate, decide on tomorrows lunch box and jewellery and then get to bed.
Speaky soon Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz x
Sunday, 9 November 2008
Whiz of a week
Hello :o)
Its been another busy week, and i find yet again its late sunday evening when i have time for my blog - its not good enough, must try harder ;o)
So Tuesday i went to the 'flicks' with the girlies, 'Ghost Town' with that Ricky Gervaise (or however he spells his name) it was good. I have to say he is not really my cup of tea, but he did have me laughing and spilling my popcorn everywhere :o)
Wednesday i had some of the girls from work around - we played Trivial Pursuit and ate Pizza ! It was a practice for this forth coming Quiz competition .......... The County Council are holding a quiz evening with all money raised going to Charity....... its gonna be such a laugh, and i think its hilarious that they asked me to be in the 'office' team. Our supervisor was asking us all what our specialist subjects were ....... Mary ?, politics...Ronnie ?, geography...Susan,? Literature..Fiona ?, Sport .....Jaynee - Shopping !!!!! They all laughed and because i insisted it is my specialist subject they all think i am keeping coy about how fab i am ......(giggles), and i might add this wasn't helped when we played TP as i seemed to get really easy questions !!!!
Thursday....... hmmm, what did i do? i can't remember ......(giggles)......... and Friday i popped to see a friend who moved into her new house a year ago and finally i got round to visiting !
The weekend has been fairly quiet - i love quiet weekends ! Yesterday saw an early start with a visit to the hairdressers to get my hair cut, i didn't notice at the time but she did my parting slightly off centre and consequently one side of my hair is slightly longer than the other side.....(giggles).....maybe i will say to anyone who points it out that it is the latest fashion..... i could set a trend .....(not)......heheee!
I took a lot of scarf's into work last week that i knitted last year, and they sold like hot cakes ! I shall attempt to insert a picture of 'moi 'wearing the 'pink fluffy number' ! It was so nice to recieve so many nice comments on my knitting, and i get so excited when people like the colours and textures that i like ....... Yay !! Okay, can't see the pic, so where has that gone .......(giggles)......maybe it will turn up when i publish this to my blog ....Hmmm some hope me thinks :o) So the scarf's went well and tomorrow i am taking in some jewellery, i have various kinds - tomorrow will be 'Bling' :o) I do like a bit of bling - bet you didn't know that eh ?
Speaky soon :o)
Its been another busy week, and i find yet again its late sunday evening when i have time for my blog - its not good enough, must try harder ;o)
So Tuesday i went to the 'flicks' with the girlies, 'Ghost Town' with that Ricky Gervaise (or however he spells his name) it was good. I have to say he is not really my cup of tea, but he did have me laughing and spilling my popcorn everywhere :o)
Wednesday i had some of the girls from work around - we played Trivial Pursuit and ate Pizza ! It was a practice for this forth coming Quiz competition .......... The County Council are holding a quiz evening with all money raised going to Charity....... its gonna be such a laugh, and i think its hilarious that they asked me to be in the 'office' team. Our supervisor was asking us all what our specialist subjects were ....... Mary ?, politics...Ronnie ?, geography...Susan,? Literature..Fiona ?, Sport .....Jaynee - Shopping !!!!! They all laughed and because i insisted it is my specialist subject they all think i am keeping coy about how fab i am ......(giggles), and i might add this wasn't helped when we played TP as i seemed to get really easy questions !!!!
Thursday....... hmmm, what did i do? i can't remember ......(giggles)......... and Friday i popped to see a friend who moved into her new house a year ago and finally i got round to visiting !
The weekend has been fairly quiet - i love quiet weekends ! Yesterday saw an early start with a visit to the hairdressers to get my hair cut, i didn't notice at the time but she did my parting slightly off centre and consequently one side of my hair is slightly longer than the other side.....(giggles).....maybe i will say to anyone who points it out that it is the latest fashion..... i could set a trend .....(not)......heheee!
I took a lot of scarf's into work last week that i knitted last year, and they sold like hot cakes ! I shall attempt to insert a picture of 'moi 'wearing the 'pink fluffy number' ! It was so nice to recieve so many nice comments on my knitting, and i get so excited when people like the colours and textures that i like ....... Yay !! Okay, can't see the pic, so where has that gone .......(giggles)......maybe it will turn up when i publish this to my blog ....Hmmm some hope me thinks :o) So the scarf's went well and tomorrow i am taking in some jewellery, i have various kinds - tomorrow will be 'Bling' :o) I do like a bit of bling - bet you didn't know that eh ?
Speaky soon :o)
Sunday, 2 November 2008

Hello :o)
Its been a fab weekend and the weather hasn't been bad either :o) Saturday i got up late (don't know why i say that cos i never get up early ;o) did a few chores and then Lisa and Dan arrived, Lisa texted me in the week to say lets meet up for lunch - she was supposed to be working and i was going to have Dan, but her shift was cancelled. At Dan's request we popped into Redruth and had a mosey around the shops, we then went on to Falmouth......
These pics are of Falmouth, people were sitting outside as you can see, but we opted to eat lunch inside. I took this view of the Maritime Museum too ...i think i need a few tips about inserting photo's as these two have now placed themselves at the top on this entry .....grrrrrr...... i hate it when i don't know what i am doing ...... (giggles)......... don't know why i'm giggling either :o)
The Maritime Museum house's the Small Boat Collection from Greenwich. Its a great place, and even if you are not into boats or sailing i think you would still enjoy a visit. The coffee shop is fab, with lovely views across the harbour and very nice cake too !
Falmouth is full of lovely little shops, its narrow high street twists and bends along the side of the shoreline. We wandered from shop to shop, and i brought a few christmas presents - there i have made a start, it feels good, i jus need to buy some wrapping paper now and wrap as i go along, i don't want to leave it all until the last minute, it jus takes too long and i normally find i am up until the early hours of christmas eve !!
Today i have jus been tidying up and clearing out my china cabinet, i have decided to get rid of it for a more modern one. Mine is 1930's and was left to me by my ex husbands Uncle. It looks out of place in my modern home and i suddenly don't feel the need to hang on to it anymore. I'm surpprised at these feelings as i have looked after it, loved and nurtured it to find myself giving it away to a junk shop in Redruth, and thats only if he decides he wants it when he comes tomorrow for a look.
I popped into Tesco for salad which i like to take for my lunch each day, i was standing at the cash point and felt compelled to take this photo of the trollies !! Something strange is happening to me........ i am being drawn to 'lines' .......(giggles)......and that is all i am going to say on that subject !
Lastly is a photo of a pancake !! yep, your right i am a strange girlie......(giggles).......but how strange is your life i ask myself .....
Friday, 31 October 2008
Hello :o)
Spooooooooky Woooooooo........ its Halloween and i'm home alone .... woooooooo....... i've not had any trick or treaters, i'm not surprised as i live at the very end of the row and its dark down here.... spooooooooky ....... hehehee........ so it looks as if i shall have to eat all these nice treats myself ......heheee ;o) At work we decorated our desks with little pumpkin thingies and bats and spiders, glow in the dark skeletons (didn't stay late tho to see em glow !) and people brought in spooky cakes to eat and little chocie treats - yum! and one or two even dressed up or wore spooky masks...... it was such a giggle. I wish i had got a few of the girlies together to do something this evening now, as i was driving home i heard a 'medium' saying she was investigating a haunted pub - wow, that would have been fun. So note to self for next year ....'lets get spooky' :o)
You may notice as you visit me that my blog changes, the decoraters are still in !!
I have jus added a pic but instead of it being half way down the page it seems to have gone straight to the top - hmmm, will it stay there tho when i publish this entry, who knows ......it will be a surprise ......(giggles)......... so Miss Latte is back, i collected her today from the garage, she has been there for the past three weeks..... yes i did say 3. Her roof has been leaking, it's jus all been to traumatic for me, so i'd rather not go into detail .....(giggles)......oh i do like a bit of drama ;o) when i collected her this evening the nice service manager, Matt, kindly tuned her into my bluetooth mobile....... so now when i am driving along and you call me, i jus press a little button on the steering wheel and we have direct speech contact ........ how fab is that ? very fab i think :o) can't wait to try it out !
Speaky soon X
Wednesday, 22 October 2008
Hello :o)
How exciting it all is, i jus got the keys to my new 'Blog' and although i'm not ready to move in i thought i would jus pin this note to the front door to let you all know i made it to the 'other side' and i'll soon be inviting you all in for coffee and a read !
Speaky soon
Big Luv - Jaynee X
PS i see 9 of you made it here before me, how mad is that ?!!!!
How exciting it all is, i jus got the keys to my new 'Blog' and although i'm not ready to move in i thought i would jus pin this note to the front door to let you all know i made it to the 'other side' and i'll soon be inviting you all in for coffee and a read !
Speaky soon
Big Luv - Jaynee X
PS i see 9 of you made it here before me, how mad is that ?!!!!
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